October 19, 2007

Friday Fill In

I found a new meme - Friday Fill In! (Thanks to Musings of a Bookish Kitty):

1. October . . . is the month when it finally cools off enough to believe fall is coming!

2. Trick-or-treaters . . .don't scare me!

3. Haunted houses . . . have always captured my imagination

4. My favorite scary movie is . . .28 Days Later . . . because . . . the speedy zombies scare me every time.

5. Waking up when it's cold and dark outside is always hard for . . . me.

6. It was a dark and stormy night . . .and I was sitting up in bed watching the lightning flash.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to . . . relaxing in front of the TV . . ., tomorrow my plans include . . . a celebratory dinner with family . . . and Sunday, I want to . . . catch up on chores I've been neglecting, and watch 28 Weeks Later !

1 comment:

Literary Feline said...

Haunted house are quite interesting, aren't they? And yes, I completely agree with #5. Now that the weather is cooler, I'm often having to do just that. Have a great weekend!